Quando gli spammer strappano un sorriso

Ogni tanto qualche mail di spam riesce a penetrare le difese e ogni tanto butto un occhio alle mail di spam per ragioni professionali.

Questa settimana una mail di spam mi ha divertito, ve la riporto in formato testuale non formattato:

From: "Welcome to Western Union®"

Welcome to Western Union®
Send Money Worldwide

Attention: E-mail Address Owner

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is compensating all the spam victims and your email address was found in the spam victim's list. This Western Union® office has been mandated by the IMF to transfer your compensation to you via Western Union® Money Transfer.

However, we have concluded to affect your own payment through Western Union® Money Transfer, $5,000 twice daily until the total sum of $200,000.00USD is completely transferred to you.

We can not be able to send the payment with your email address alone, thereby we need your information as to where we will be sending the funds, such as;

Seguono le richieste dei dati la firma e altri yadda yadda.


5 risposte a “Quando gli spammer strappano un sorriso”

  1. Avatar Alessandro Carini

    La cosa triste è che qualcuno ci cascherà …

  2. Avatar Massimo Luciani

    Sul mio blog giorni fa ho trovato un commento spam di un tizio che scriveva che aveva trovato molti commenti spam (cosa non vera) e mi proponeva una soluzione.

    1. Avatar Emilio

      Dannati vichinghi!

  3. […] NOTICE ! Welcome to Western Union® Send Money Worldwide www… Continua a leggere la notizia: Quando gli spammer strappano un sorriso Fonte: […]

  4. Avatar Emilio

    Oggi mi e’ arrivato questo:
    What's up, Mailer-daemon?
    What's the profit of higher education in University?
    You can hardly imagine the difference between the incomes of a specialist with Masters, Doctorate and Professional degree and an employee without such a qualification
    Masters, Doctorate and Professional earn millions more.....


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